"ACE" HARDWARE Urbangardening
“A C E” U R B A N G A R D E N I N G
“Add beauty to your indoor plants.”
packaging & Industrial design

In urban areas, living spaces are small and crowded.
ACE helps users bring nature close to their lives.
Help the user approach nature.
It is hard to start planting, especially when they do not have enough space.
However, they can be gardening indoors if they do not have a garden in their home.
However, current gardening packages are too bulky for indoor planting.
Popular indoor plants.
Croton, Lemon Lime Dracaena, Moth Orchid
Anthurium, Golden Pothos, and Peace Lily
Never let your plants wilt.
Indoor plants commonly have nutritional deficiencies due to a lack of natural sunlight
and airflow. ACE organizes the basic nutrients for users to have at hand.
Branding key attributes & New design






The old logo has letters with sharp edges, different sizes, with all capital.
We will Change the logo to lowercase, making it feel
softer and familiar so the user can approach ACE more easily.
Ideation & Key Element
Study Outcome: Round Form / Simple / Red line for a point
Finally, our user does not have to buy the huge packaging for small gardening anymore.
Also, simple and modern design matches with user’s lifestyle.